The True Nature of Reality

Most of us are not taught the true nature of reality. We grow up learning from what we see and what we are told, not being aware that this might not be the whole truth. We assume that what we experience in life just happens to us, that we have no creative control, and that our thoughts and emotions are inconsequential. This way of living, while the norm for most, unfortunately puts us in a place of powerlessness and victimhood. We’ve all been there, and there’s no shame in it. You can’t know what you don’t know. But when you do, you can do better.

In truth, your experiences are a reflection of your consciousness. What you see and experience is happening in response to what you are thinking, feeling and focusing on, not the other way around. What this means is that you are never powerless, because your outer reality shifts and changes according to your internal reality. The internal reality, meaning your thoughts, beliefs and energy, is within your control. I’m not saying it’s always easy, but it is something that you are in charge of. Any change that you would like to see on the outside has to start on the inside, every single time. 

Everything in the Universe has a vibrational frequency. This includes us! Our thoughts and  emotions carry specific frequencies. What we experience in our day-to-day life is a vibrational match to those frequencies; to our personal energies. For example, someone who carries a lot of anger will continue to attract people and circumstances that activate that anger, because it’s an energetic (vibrational) match. Likewise, someone who struggles with feeling unworthy or not good enough may attract a partner who cheats or is emotionally unavailable, resulting in a strengthening of that emotion/ belief. This is life’s way of showing you where you have some work to do, and the patterns will continue until these emotions and belief systems are addressed. 

These energy signatures that we carry are often from things that have happened in the past. Most of our programming happened by the age of 7-9. With all that emotional baggage being carried around for decades and plenty of experiences to validate the negative emotions, it’s certainly easy to get trapped in the illusion that life just happens to us and that we are the victims. But this is a false reality. 

In order to really get out of this cycle and create an amazing life, it’s vital to do the inner work. To tend to the emotions and beliefs that no longer serve you and to once and for all drop the victim mentality. This isn’t always easy work, but it is beyond worth it. As your energy begins to shift by dropping old stories and emotions, your reality will change accordingly and you will see reality for what it really is — a playground designed for your expansion.

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