What is health coaching? And what does it mean to take a holistic and mindful approach to dealing with health issues?

We’ve been taught to go about dealing with our health in entirely the wrong way. As a culture, we’ve been taught to be totally passive when it comes to our health and to not connect the dots between our emotional well-being and our physical well-being.

For all of the amazing things that modern western medicine is capable of now (which are incredible), it has unfortunately forgotten that our bodies are designed to heal and that wellness is our natural state of being.

Real healing can take place, but it needs to be approached holistically and in a way that empowers the individual. That means not just on the physical level and looking at the symptom as a stand alone thing, but on the emotional, energetic and spiritual levels as well. And it's important for you to be an active participant in this process.

How Did I Get Here?

When I was in my 20’s, I developed severe eczema and back pain. Along with this I was also dealing with long-standing digestive issues, fatigue and headaches. When I was a kid I was frequently sick as well. I had throat infections, sinus headaches, migraines and incredible fatigue. I had no idea at the time that these things were linked to allergies, emotional trauma, and being disconnected from myself. I suffered with these things for years before exploring some more alternative options. It was when I began to take a different approach and look at the whole system that things began to improve. 

These health struggles in my 20's prompted an exploration that took me down a very interesting road. It began with simple things like going to the chiropractor, which, at the time, was still a foreign idea to me. I then discovered I was allergic to almost everything I was eating, and within a few years I became a holistic nutritionist and bought an allergy elimination clinic (Forever Healthy) where I spent 4 years working one-on-one with clients on their allergies and a wide range of health issues. During my time at FH, I learned how profoundly and accurately our emotions connect to our physical health. This led me down another several year rabbit hole of deepening my knowledge and doing my own inner work so that I could help others.

Putting the Pieces Together

Our bodies want to be healthy, there’s just usually a lot of stuff in the way. Things like emotional trauma, chronic stress, and allergies. But what if health issues have more to do with not living in alignment with yourself? What if they have to do with being disconnected from the whole of who you are? This is what it means to take a holistic approach to dealing with health issues. It means looking at the whole picture and starting to put the pieces back together. The goal is always to help you find your way back to wholeness where healing can actually take place. 

I use a unique combination of nutrition, astrology, emotional clearing techniques, mindfulness, and energy and mindset work to address the whole picture: mind, body and spirit.

Want to know more? Go ahead and book a FREE 30 minute clarity call.

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