If I could sum up the potential of this Mars retrograde period in 2 words (which I really shouldn't do), I think those words would be "heart healing." That sounds lovely—and it is—but the reality of that process is not always super pleasant. With Mars, the road to this healing potential might be through frustration, conflict or confrontation; there are typically setbacks, a lot of emotions come up, boundaries need to be expressed, reflection time is necessary, and some days it can look like rage-crying in your pj's all day. If that's what you've been up to—great job! Not everyone is going to be feeling it like that though, and for some it might just be a time when you need a little more rest than usual. There's no right or wrong way to experience this.
(If you just want to get to the goods of this post, feel free to scroll down. I do recommend reading it all though, as I spend some time explaining what this whole process is about.)
Why do we care about Mars retrograde?
Fair question! We all hear the hype about Mercury retrograde these days, but what about Mars and the other planets? The reason we talk about Mercury retrograde so much is that it happens frequently, about 3 times per year. Mars retrogrades, however, only happen once every 2 years. So when it happens, it’s notable. Let’s begin by talking about what Mars represents and what it means when it is retrograde.
Keeping in mind that astrology is a symbolic language that describes or mirrors parts of our personal and collective psyche, Mars represents the principles of action, assertion, drive, desire, anger, courage, and individuality in our lives. Where it’s located in your chart (sign, house and aspects) will describe where and how you use this energy, and whether it flows easily or if there are challenges related to the expression of things like will, desire, anger and self-assertion. If Mars is a stand-out planet in your chart, these retrograde periods are particularly important to pay attention to. (If you’re not sure if Mars is a stand-out planet for you, check out this post and see if the qualities resonate with you.) When Mars is retrograde, this typically active and outward-moving energy has to pause and take a minute to reflect as a deeper psychological process unfolds that encourages us to get in touch with our desires.
What happens when a planet goes retrograde?
The phenomenon of retrograde periods has to do with a planet’s relationship with the sun and our perspective of it from here on Earth. When a planet “stations retrograde,” it appears to stop and then begin moving backwards. This doesn’t actually happen, it only appears to. But, as everything is about perspective, this apparent backward motion is symbolic of a slowing down and turning inward of the Mars function within each of us.
Mars retrograde periods last for about 2.5 months, with the “shadow” period lasting about 2 more months on either side of its retrograde and direct stations. This makes for a lengthy time frame and can have Mars staying in one sign for as long as 7 months (it usually spends about 6 weeks in each sign), as it did in Gemini from Aug ’22 to March ’23 during its last retrograde. When this happens, there is something significant in development in that particular area of your life as it relates to the topics of Mars.
This retrograde is unique in that it crosses over 2 signs, Leo and Cancer, with it spending about 4 consecutive months in Cancer. Mars stationed retrograde on December 6th, 2024 at 6 degrees of Leo, and then made its way into Cancer on January 6th, 2025. It will stay retrograde until February 23rd, 2025, where it will station direct at 17 degrees of Cancer. It will be in Cancer until April 17th or 18th (depending on where you live), before moving back into Leo.
Mars Retrograde Themes
In general, some common themes that emerge during Mars retrograde periods are things like needing to slow down and rest, to pause and think over your next steps before taking action, and to reconsider what you really want. There is a valuable realignment to your real desires and how to best go about getting there that tends to occur. As such, it’s not uncommon to experience setbacks or a lack of momentum, as perhaps you are being asked to stop and think about if that thing you want is still what you really want, or if it’s even in your best interest.
These 2.5-month (ish) periods can also be a powerful time to get in touch with the parts of you that might be holding onto anger. Mars represents our relationship to anger and how we need to express it. The anger function has been shut down in so many of us (especially women) which can wind up leading to significant health issues (see post where I elaborate on this point). This can be a productive time to reflect on your relationship to anger. How do you feel about feeling anger? How do you express it? Can you feel it in your body?
Some good advice for any Mars retrograde is to get in touch with your body, practice patience and presence, and heed the stop signs. Most importantly, don’t be afraid of it! There’s a lot of fear-based astrology out there and it's just not useful. There’s magic that can happen during these retrograde periods when you stay open to the unfolding and present with what is happening.
Mars in Leo ♌️ & Cancer ♋️
The first month of this retrograde happened in the sign of Leo, bringing our collective attention to our heart-centre and our need for self-expression. As it moves into Cancer, this brings our awareness to our emotional well-being, our safety needs, and our past. The combination of these two signs holds the potential for heart healing, clarity around our true needs and desires, and alignment with a more empowered and authentic self-expression.
If your energy has been focused in ways that don't reflect your authentic needs and desires, you are likely to hit some sort of road block, which could simply be in the form of feeling really tired. This is a clue. It's letting you know that there are energy leaks and that a period of rest and reflection would be very valuable.
5 Potentials of Mars Retrograde in Cancer
Let's get into the specifics of some potentials to stay open to as Mars continues it's back-track through Cancer. Keep in mind these are just a few possibilities, and the overall theme is about reconnecting with your core needs.
1. Cutting Family Chords
I am talking about energetic chords here; this is not literal. You can think of energetic chords as invisible strings that connect you to your past and your family of origin in ways that may not be in your best interest anymore. As Mars has a “cutting” or “severing” function, and Cancer has a lot to do with our past and our family, there is the potential here to reflect on relationship dynamics with family members that may be holding you back in some way. To be clear, the “cutting” of chords does not mean actually cutting people out of your life (though there are times when that is necessary); it’s the emotional hold they have on you that can be severed and removed. Reiki is one way to engage in this process.
2. Setting Boundaries
Mars in Cancer will tend to bring your focus to what you want to protect or defend, and this includes your boundaries. You may find yourself in a situation in which your boundaries are being crossed and you have to stand up for yourself or someone else. This is a productive time to get clear on where your personal boundaries are and what you need in order to feel safe and secure. In general, your focus might be on safety and security needs at this time.
3. Emotional Regulation
Cancer is a watery, emotional sign that, like a crab, can have a protective shell to keep it safe. Protection is of paramount importance for Cancer folks. When you add fiery Mars to the mix, you might get an emotionally reactive result. With Mars retrograde, the opportunity here is to become aware of your emotional triggers and do some healing work. What sets you off? What makes you feel like you have to defend yourself? There is a chance during this time to become aware of and reflect on where you might be reacting instead of responding. Overall, this is an excellent time to be doing the inner work. (It's always an excellent time to do this, but this energy is extra supportive to this process.)
4. Cultivating patience and presence
Mars wants to move; it represents the part of us that wants to take action and do things. While it’s retrograde and trying to navigate the watery terrain of Cancer, it might feel like you can’t get any momentum. Or maybe you want to take action but you just can’t muster up the energy required to do so. That’s okay, and it’s normal. This is why learning to practice patience and presence can be your best friend.
5. Courage to face and heal your past
The Moon-ruled sign of Cancer connects us to our past, and retrogrades also have a “looking back” quality. Mars, at its best, is about taking courageous action. So this combo might be the perfect time to gather the courage to do some healing work around your past. If this is a heavy topic for you, I absolutely suggest connecting with a therapist or another professional to help you out. It's hard work to do all on your own.
Want to learn more about your own chart and how to best work with these energies as they are unfolding? Go ahead and book a birth chart consultation!✨
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