It’s true—there was a time when doctors were also astrologers! Medical astrology is a thing, and it was a key component of their medical practice and integral in understanding how best to treat a person. Hippocrates is reputed to have said that a doctor without knowledge of astrology will not rightly be able to call himself a physician, and Nicholas Culpepper, a physician and astrologer from the mid 17th century, said that “physic without astrology is like a lamp without oil.” Now, of course, these guys were alive a long time ago and the advances in modern medicine have been profound since then. So is this perspective still relevant? 

Health in the Western world

Well, let’s consider the fact that even with the incredible advances in medicine that people seem to be sicker than ever. “In the US, 60% of adults have a chronic disorder such as high blood pressure or diabetes, and over 40% have two or more such conditions. Nearly 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug; more than half take two. In Canada, up to half of all baby boomers are on track for hypertension within a few years if current trends continue. Among women there is a disproportionate elevation in diagnoses of potentially disabling autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS).” [Stats taken from The Myth of Normal by Dr. Gabor Maté] These stats are alarming, and of course I’m not saying that so many people are struggling with health issues because their doctors aren’t astrologers! That would be insane. The reasons for this are varied and complex. What I am saying is that maybe it would helpful to zoom out and take a wider look. 

Western medicine is extraordinary when it comes to acute issues and trauma (don’t take me to my chiropractor if I just accidentally cut my finger off!), but it is severely lacking when it comes to chronic issues. This is not meant to be a slight on the medical community—I have immense gratitude for those that work day in and day out on those front lines—but simply an invitation to face the reality that when it comes to prevention, maintenance and actual physical healing, a much wider perspective is needed. One that takes into account an individuals unique physiology, experiences, environment, emotional landscape and personality. 

How can astrology help?

Why was astrology such an important part of medical training back in the day? Because it provides a picture of a persons unique needs, strengths, vulnerabilities and psychological patterns. It can also provide valuable information about what psychological patterns are underlying a particular health issue at a particular time, and how an individual can best support themselves to maintain good health at any given time. Health is not static. It needs to be tended to regularly and there are times when it requires more effort and attention than others. Astrology illustrates those times quite clearly. 

One of the main factors to look at in a person’s chart when it comes to health is the Moon. The Moon tells us about what you need in order to feel safe and secure, how you respond emotionally to stress, how you nurture and nourish yourself and others, and is a strong indicator of overall health. What if your Moon is in a “difficult” spot? This could mean that it has challenging aspects or is in a sign that it doesn’t love to be in. (This is not inherently negative, it just means that it may require more effort on your part to take care of your well-being.) To an astrologer seeing a Moon with some challenges to overcome, this clues us into the fact that your basic safety needs may not have been met in early life which has set the stage for not being connected to your core needs as an adult. This may be a real learning curve for some—one that sometimes has to be learned through the experience of managing health issues. 

There are many other factors to look at in a birth chart to get a sense of a persons unique health needs, such as the Sun, the ascendant ruler, planets in the 1st and 6th houses, etc. For example, having a lot of planets in the first house may point to a need for that person to learn how to take care of their physical body and to the potential for vulnerability and weakness with the adrenal glands. If these planets are in Pisces, then it would be important to support the immune system as well, since Pisces rules the immune system. This is a bit simplistic, but you get the idea. It’s really the chart in its wholeness that provides the picture of your unique health needs and becomes an invaluable resource when taking a holistic approach to health issues. 

So, is the astrological perspective still relevant when it comes to a model of health? I may be a bit biased, but I would say so. In addition to being a guide for a person’s unique health needs, one of the gifts of astrology is that it helps you to create a deeper connection with yourself and offers you something of a permission slip to be who you really are. This process in itself is deeply healing and is an extremely important part of any healing journey. 

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