Technically speaking, astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial objects and events here on Earth. More tangibly, it is the study of life-cycles. Astrological principles have been formed through meticulous observation and study of planetary alignments in relation to life on Earth for thousands of years. It has been observed time and time again that particular planet, sign and house combinations correlate to particular dynamics that will be played out in a person's life (natal astrology), or that can be observed in the collective dynamics (mundane astrology). It is important to note the word ‘correlate’ here. Planets do not cause us to behave or feel a certain way, we are simply reflecting archetypal principles that have been observed to correlate to particular planetary alignments.

You may have heard the ancient Hermetic principle: As Above, So Below. But what does it mean? And what does it have to do with understanding astrology? Well, everything! It means that there is a dynamic resonance between all things, a web of interconnectivity between everything on Earth and the cosmos themselves. It means that what is happening ‘out there’ is reflecting what is happening ‘in here’ and vice versa. This can be applied to our personal lives and to our collective experiences. Your personal physical reality experiences are a reflection of your consciousness. What is happening outside of you is a reflection of what is happening inside you. On a collective level, the experiences we have of life on Earth are a reflection of the collective consciousness (and the collective unconscious). This is reflected again in the cosmos, with planetary positions and alignments correlating to different dynamics and functions of the personal and collective psyche. It’s as if this brilliant vast Universe is holding up a mirror to us, and us to it. It’s this dynamic interplay that makes it all so fascinating. The great news about all of this? It means that we are not separate from this Universal intelligence. We have access to it all the time. We are it. One of the gifts that astrology offers us is how to consciously engage with our life and our personal energies to create a fulfilling experience during our limited time on this planet. 

In our modern western culture, so much perspective has been lost as we have been taught to place far too much value on only that which our rational minds can perceive. This mechanistic world-view is severely limiting and has resulted in entire cultures and generations of people believing that there is no resonance between the cosmos and life here on earth; that there is no meaning and no connection between your personal energies and the reality that you experience. Thankfully, astrology and other forms of ancient wisdom are making a come-back as people are grappling for meaning in a world that encourages productivity and materiality above all else.

Astrology is not magic (though it definitely feels magical!), nor is it deterministic. It is science, art and ancient spiritual wisdom all rolled into one. It offers a path to come back home to yourself. Understanding your natal astrology offers you the opportunity for much deeper self-awareness and self-acceptance, and as such it can be a very powerful healing tool. 

The study of astrology can offer deep insight into your strengths and talents, your day-to-day needs, the things that may be challenging and require a little more effort, and areas that flow with more ease. It can also offer clarity of purpose, understanding of oneself and others, and allows you to surrender more deeply to the tides and cycles of life. There are many things that you can’t know just from looking at someone’s birth chart, however, and most importantly you can’t know how consciously someone is living. There is shadow and light potential in every planet/ sign/ house combination, and it’s up to the individual how they will exercise their free will.

This brief philosophical perspective has been offered to remind you that there is deep meaning in all of it. Your life is not just random. The orientation of planets in your birth chart is perfectly by design. You came here equipped with exactly what you need in order to fulfill your soul's purpose and potential, should you choose to.

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